Updated Shipping Schedule
about 1 year ago
– Mon, Jan 01, 2024 at 04:20:09 PM
Hello everyone! I wanted to give a bit of a status update as to where we are as we work to get these out. Unfortunately we're running a bit behind - my last round of chemo knocked me out far more than anticipated which basically incapaciated me over the holidays. We've got some medication to manage it better and are hopefully adjusting dosages, so the current goal is to get the books packaged and the shipping charged in a week's time after my infusion has settled (I need about a week to be able to safely handle merchandise since chemotherapy infusions make me literally toxic so I can't touch anything going to customers). With that said we anticipate packaging to start taking place some time around Tuesday the 9th, and will work to get books shipped in that window. I apologize for the wait and inconvenience, managing around my chemo schedule has proven to be an unexpected challenge but we are committed to getting these books out ASAP. We currently have them on-hand and ready, it's just a matter of being able to get them safely packed up and to the post office.
Books Ready, Mailing Soon!
over 1 year ago
– Thu, Nov 02, 2023 at 06:59:08 PM
We just received word that the books have cleared customs and are now at the warehouse, we are arranging to pick them up on Monday. While I am still recovering from surgery and cannot lift heavy objects, we will be working to get these books out over the month of November, possibly stretching into December depending on the pace we are able to maintain with my current health circumstances. Either way, the books are here and they should be in your hands soon!
As a reminder, if you have not completed your survey please do so. If you need to update your address, please email [email protected] so we can unlock your account in Backerkit. Finally, as a reminder we will be charging shipping at cost once everything is packaged for the bulk order, so you will see a final bill for the shipping cost before we can release your book. For those in the US, this should be a small fee for media mail, international backers may see a larger bill although we are doing our best to aggregate the shipments and reduce cost.
Anticipated Book Shipment and Creator Health Update
over 1 year ago
– Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 06:17:31 PM
Hello everyone, we've been working with the printer and import brokerage and we're currently expecting the books to arrive in Seattle late this month. Our goal is to get them all shipped out to Backers in November.
There may be some impacts to this schedule due to current circumstances, but at this time I don't anticipate it delaying shipment past early December. As some of you may be aware, I (that is to say, Liana MacKenzie, Valor owner) was diagnosed with colon cancer and will be going into surgery soon. While this will hopefully take care of the cancer, I'll be out of commission for a bit which may slow some things down in the near term. You can read more here. We will be putting a priority on getting all backers their books ASAP, but this will impact the text-only Foes book without question so we'll have more details on that bonus content later on once recovery has happened and our schedules are back in order.
Thank you as always for your patience and support. We're very excited to get these books to you, and I have no intention of making anybody wait any longer than is absolutely necessary.
Please verify that your address is accurate on Backerkit. If not, you may reach out to [email protected] and we can unlock it so you can change it. We may be slightly slow to respond due to the whole health/recovery thing, but we'll do our best to get everyone sorted ASAP!
Books Shipping
over 1 year ago
– Wed, Sep 20, 2023 at 07:32:33 PM
Hello everyone! We received confirmation from the printers that the books are done and have tendered our final payments so they should be getting loaded onto the ship this week! We're working with our broker to confirm the expected arrival date but based on shipping times it'll probably be in a month or two. More to come soon!
Quick Update
over 1 year ago
– Tue, Aug 29, 2023 at 12:30:03 PM
Hey everyone, just a quick update on status, we're currently working on getting our Import Brokerage set up so my hope is we'll have a firm delivery date arranged in a week or two for the books. More to come!